Testing at the Keweenaw Research Center has been carried out for several
different reasons. The most common of these are companies wondering if their new
chemical works, companies in need of performance documentation for a client or
advertisement, buyers looking to decide between several prospective chemicals,
and pure research of chemical additives and application scenarios.
Companies that are in the deicer market are always in need of comparison testing
as well as new product testing. There has been a lot of interest in corrosion
inhibitors and their effect on performance in the past couple of years. Performance
testing has also been contracted for use in advertisement literature.
User perspective testing has generally been performed by government agencies
looking to better serve the vehicle operating public and to try to decrease the cost
of winter maintenance without degrading the level of service.
In some cases, companies are required to get a "seal of approval" by an outside
testing institution before their chemical can be put on the list of potential deicers for
a given market.
All of this said, there is a need for performance testing in several areas. This testing
can generally be performed quite rapidly in the laboratory and then is usually
brought into a larger field testing scenario of some sort.