Vehicle Testing
Vehicle Dynamics Testing
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The Keweenaw Research Center
conducts vehicle dynamics testing on several types of surfaces and with
a wide variety of vehicles. Dynamics testing is conducted year round
and may be done on paved, gravel, dirt, grassy or snow and ice covered
surfaces. Instrumentation and portable data acquisition systems are routinely
used to measure accelerations, roll, pitch and yaw, vehicle speeds and
any number of other parameters required for the particular analysis. |
KRC works with OEM’s
and suppliers to conduct automotive vehicle dynamics tests on snow and
ice covered surfaces including ISO double lane changes, J-turns and other
tests used to characterize the handling, stability and control of vehicles.
KRC’s packed snow handling loops are routinely used for tire performance
analysis in lateral and longitudinal stability, and handling. |
KRC often works on vehicles
that are out of the ordinary such as forestry and agricultural equipment.
For example, KRC was involved in a logging truck dynamics study sponsored
by the Michigan Department of Transportation. The study was initiated
due to recent controversy involving logging truck
log load spills. KRC instrumented logging trucks and studied chain tensions
as well as log movement, from the logging site to the mill.
Other vehicle dynamics studies
have involved snowmobiles, small off-road only pickup trucks, transit
buses and, of course, a variety of military vehicles. KRC has over 20
years of experience in vehicle instrumentation and vehicle dynamics testing.
No ground vehicle is too small or too large!
