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Vehicle Testing

Services Introduction Test Course Tower Facility Cold Room
  Vehicle Mobility Testing Vehicle Dynamics Testing Human Factors Mobility Analysis


The Keweenaw Research Center has a long history of vehicle testing and evaluation. Our continuously evolving test course can be inexpensively configured to meet the customers specific testing and vehicle needs. Complete instrumentation and portable data acquisition makes vehicle testing and analysis efficient and accurate. Field and vehicle support personnel are available to ensure productive testing.

Key Benefits and Capabilities

  • Customized Test Courses
  • Off-road and 4WD Courses
  • Support Personnel
  • Heated Vehicle Bays
  • 4-Season Testing
  • Handling / Mobility Evaluation
  • NRMM (mobility and modeling) Capability
  • Endurance / Durability Testing
  • Vehicle Data Acquisition and Analysis
  • Complete Video and Digital Camera Capability
  • Cold Room Testing

Click images to learn more.

Custom Obstacles and Courses
Obstacle and
Customized Courses
Endurance / Fatigue Testing
Endurance Testing
Large Vehicles
Large Vehicle Testing
Winter Testing
Winter Testing
Custom Off-Road Course
Off-Road Course
Cold Room Testing
Cold Room Testing

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