Computer Modeling/Analysis
Finite Element
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The Keweenaw Research Center uses high performance HP solvers and workstations and a number of FEA codes for the creation and solution of finite element models. Using solid modeling software with finite software for pre-processing assures accurate and precise meshing and creation of loading conditions and materials properties. Other resources at KRC such as instrumented,
materials and
vehicle testing provide real world inputs for the finite models and allow side by side comparison between real and analytical testing. KRC is very well known for its finite capabilities and has continually provided the military and the industry with high quality, accurate results for over fifteen years.
Analytical Modeling and Model Correlation
KRC has the ability to model complex structures analytically using dynamic
simulation software such as DADS or ADAMS and finite element software such
Solid modeling is done using Pro-E, however KRC is well versed in most
CAE packages.
KRC uses its own MTS 831.50 machine to characterize many types of
flexible joints or mounts to build these models.
Characterizing these joints and mounts in house allows KRC to
understand these model elements more accurately than if they had
been characterized elsewhere.
Finally, analytical models can be fully correlated using experimental methods.
Upon successful correlation, design changes can be evaluated in an
efficient manner analytically.
Finally, KRC can construct the new, optimized parts in its own machine
shop facility.
The final enhanced product can then be tested to verify that all
design targets are satisfied.